We must know that according to some shaikhs, lust (hawa) is one of the attributes of nafs, while other maintain that it is a natural instinct controlled by nafs just as human soul is controlled by intelligence. The soul which is not aided by intelligence is weak. Similarly, the nafs which is not aided by lust is weak.
So man is constantly subjected to 2 pulls in the opposite direction. One from the side of intelligence (aql) and the other from lust (hawa). If the former is stronger he lands in the realm of spiritual prosperity; if the latter gets the upper hand he ends up in heresy and destruction. Therefore lust is a veil and man is commanded to disregard it.
Allah has said, "There are people who regard their passions as deity." Ibn Abbas has said in his tafsir (commentary) that, the phrase "regarding passions as deity" means that they worship their passions as they should have worshipped God. How miserable is he who worships his passions, and exerts all his powers to obey them and be a slave of them!
Passions are of 2 kinds: passion for eating, drinking and sex, and passion for power and position. He who yields to the former resorts to wine-houses and mankind is free from his mischief. But he who is the slave of the latter is a terror to mankind. He is misguided and tries to misguide others. May God save us from him.
Satan dare not enter man's heart and lead him astray unless he detects a streak of lust therein, and decorates it to ensnare us. This is what we call waswas (satanic suggestions). But it originates from lust.
When Satan vowed that he will mislead all mankind, Allah said to him, "But you will not be able to mislead my servants." [15:42] So Satan is, in reality, man's nafs (lower self) or lust.
That is the reason why the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said, "There are none who is immune from being overpowered by his shaytan (Satan) except Umar who has overpowered his shaytan." That is to say everybody is overpowered by his passions except Umar who has gained mastery over his passions. This shows lust is ingrained in the very nature of Adam, and is a source of pleasure to mankind.
The seeker of God is, therefore duty-bound to exercise strict control over himself to work hard day and night to keep his passions under control, refrain from being overambitious, and pray to God that he is spared the mischief of his lower self. For he who is overmastered by his passions is veiled from God and is ruined.
Man has no power to change his nature, but he can change his habits by total submission (taslim) to the Almighty and by seeking His help in all matters of life. When he submits to God he comes directly under Divine protection and succeeds in warding off the impending calamity better than his own effort. The flies can be driven away with a fly-net better than a fan.
God's protection is the remedy for all calamities and the best cure for all ailments. God is the Sovereign of the universe, and man is just a pawn in His hand.
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