Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Allah Ta'ala has said in the Holy Quran:

"Your Allah is one." [16:22]

He has again said:

"Do not worship two gods, verily He is one." [16:51]

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) has said, "There was a person who believed in oneness of God and did not do anything else as far as prayers and worship were concerned. He told his relatives to burn him to ashes after his death, and then throw one half of the ashes into the sea and another half into the winds so that no trace of him would be left. When he died his will was duly fulfilled. God Almighty bade the winds and oceans to preserve his ashes so that when he would be raised again on Resurrection, God would ask him why he made that will. He will reply: 'O Lord, because I was a great sinner I could not face you due to shame.' God Almighty will then forgive him."

Tauhid literally means being one or unifying. Since God is one both in His Essence and Attributes, is indivisible and has no sharer, the unitarians know Him as such, and this knowledge is called tauhid.

So that when man is gnostic (arif) he believes that God is one in the sense that He is indivisible; that He does not admit duality; that He is not numerically one in the sense that by the addition of another He becomes two, so that He is one of the two.

The Ahli-Sunnah-wal-Jamaah have affirmed the oneness of the Divine Lord by witnessing His wonderful creations, amazing arts and countless subtleties in this world which cannot possibly come into existence without a Creator.

Since everything in the universe is transitory, there must be a Creator to bring into existence what was non-existent. That is to say this earth, the skies, the sun, the moon, the deserts, seas, mountains together with their motions and rests, knowledge and expression, life and death, all these things cannot come into being without one Creator for one universe and not more than one, in which case one Creator would have been dependant on another.

The Creator is, therefore, one and only one without shadow of doubt, who is Perfect, the Living, the Sustainer, the Powerful, the Potent. He is without partner or partners and is absolutely independant.

This topic on tauhid is one of the most difficult to understand since it deals with the conception of God, while the Creator cannot possibly be conceived by the creature. God knows best.

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