Thursday, August 27, 2009


People are the mirror of the individual. If he behaves well towards them they will behave well towards him, so his nerves will be calmed, and he will be content, and he will feel that he is living in a friendly environment.

But if a person treats others badly and is harsh towards them, he will find that people treat him badly and in a rough and harsh manner. Whoever does not respect people will not be respected by them.

The one who has a good attitude will have more peace of mind and is less likely to be anxious and distressed or find himself in painful situations. In addition to that, having a good attitude is an act of worship to Allah, the Most High, and is something that He encourages a great deal.

God Almighty has said in the Holy Qur’an:

“There are servants of God who walk humbly on the earth and when an ignorant one converses with them, they pray for his welfare.” [25:63]

This shows that it is not desirable for a mu’min (true believer) to unnecessarily quarrel with those ignorant folk who walk arrogantly on God’s earth.

The Prophet (s.a.w) has said:

“Good manners (adab) are part of faith.”

He has also said:

“My Lord taught me the best of manners.”

People should learn manners from Zulaikha who covered the face of her idol when she was alone with Yusuf. When Yusuf asked her to state the reason she said, “I do not want my deity to witness the scene of impropriety. It is against good manners.”

But when Yusuf had met her father, and Zulaikha has embraced Islam and was properly married to him, she was hesitant to go in privacy with Yusuf.

At this Yusuf said, “What is the matter with you? Don’t you love me?” She said, “I love you now even more, but you see, when I was an idol worshipper I did not like to be in privacy with you in front of my deity, who could not see, but now that I am a Muslim and my God can see what we do. I do not know how I should conceal my act of impropriety from Him.”

It must be remembered that the beauty of all affairs, religious or temporal, lies in good manners and decorum. It is unanimously agreed upon by all men whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims that good behaviour is one of the most essential qualities in every walk of life.

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